"The rape joke is that you were eight.
The rape joke is that at the time,
you didn’t know people had sex to express love.
The rape joke is that the only other person
who’d seen you naked was your mom.
The rape joke is that he called you ‘beautiful’ first.
The rape joke is that he held your hands together
and told you to ‘try harder’ when you struggled.
The rape joke is that you believed him
when he told you were overreacting.
The rape joke is that your grandma
called him a nice boy and asked him to stay for dinner.
The rape joke is that he winked at you
when you apologized to your parents for not coming
downstairs the first time you were called.
The rape joke is that his friends
high-fived him for “getting some.”
The rape joke is that you still don’t feel like
you’ve regrown the pieces he stole.
The rape joke is that he was conceived when his
dad slapped himself into his snoring mother.
The rape joke is that her friends told her
she was lucky someone wanted her.
The rape joke is that each year in the United States,
32,000 other women’s bellies
ripen with life against their will.
The rape joke is that he never learned
to touch without scarring.
The rape joke is that your classmate thinks
‘have you seen what asses look like in yoga pants?’
is an argument.
The rape joke is your new boyfriend kissing
you and telling you he ‘raped’ his math test.
The rape joke is that ‘Why are girls so scared of rape? Y’all should
feel pride that a guy risked his life in jail just to fuck you’
is a popular Tweet right now.
The rape joke is that you wake up to
the memory of him laughing,
“now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
The rape joke is that it’s been twelve years and
you still quiver when someone touches you.
The rape joke is that he hasn’t stopped laughing.
The rape joke is that you forgot how to."
niedziela, 16 marca 2014
What men mean when they talk about their “crazy” ex-girlfriend is often that she was someone who cried a lot, or texted too often, or had an eating disorder, or wanted too much/too little sex, or generally felt anything beyond the realm of emotionally undemanding agreement. That does not make these women crazy. That makes those women human beings, who have flaws, and emotional weak spots. However, deciding that any behavior that he does not like must be insane– well, that does make a man a jerk.
And when men do this on a regular basis, remember that, if you are a woman, you are not the exception. You are not so cool and fabulous and levelheaded that they will totally get where you are coming from when you show emotions other than “pleasant agreement.”
When men say “most women are crazy, but not you, you’re so cool” the subtext is not, “I love you, be the mother to my children.” The subtext is “do not step out of line, here.” If you get close enough to the men who say things like this, eventually, you will do something that they do not find pleasant. They will decide you are crazy, because this is something they have already decided about women in general. "
wtorek, 11 marca 2014
105. She loves me.
Zadzwoniła do mnie dzisiaj i powiedziała, że czuje się samotnie, gdy mnie nie ma w szkole, niby nic, ale wiecie jak szkoła potrafi dać w kość, gdy nie ma się nikogo obok, nawet ta jedna osoba robi wielką różnicę.
Przez cały poprzedni tydzień, kiedy mnie nie było codziennie dzwoniła, she loves me, she needs me, she's mine. Just kidding, she's not.
She's mad, but she's magic !
Przez cały poprzedni tydzień, kiedy mnie nie było codziennie dzwoniła, she loves me, she needs me, she's mine. Just kidding, she's not.
She's mad, but she's magic !
that girl she’s such a bitch,
But I tell myself I can handle it.
But I tell myself I can handle it.
She’s beautiful but she's cold as ice,
And that keeps me hanging on.
And that keeps me hanging on.
that girl she’s such a trick,
But I can’t lie I’m in love with it.
But I can’t lie I’m in love with it.
Codziennie wieczorem lekko gościsz w moich myślach, zaraz przed snem. Myślę o czymś kompletnie innym, ale zawsze na wierzch wychodzisz Ty, powoli, tak jak opada mgła, tak jak czasem czytając książkę nie zauważasz, że zrobiło się ciemno dopóki ktoś nie zapali światła lub nie będziesz widzieć zupełnie nic. Wychodzisz Ty.
piątek, 7 marca 2014
sobota, 1 marca 2014
Life is an endless battle.
The more I love you the less you care.
The less I care the more you love me.
Dont paint me black when I used to be golden.
Przyjazn to jeden umysl w dwoch cialach.
Poznalam bardzo fajna dziewczyne, jest przesliczna, bardzo inteligentna, ma na imie Julia, jest o rok starsza. Ale kompletnie jej nie ogarniam, raz mi mowi " a myslalam, ze chcesz mi wyznac milosc " , a pozniej cos kompletnie innego. Ale i tak ja uwielbiam <3.
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